


Opening Hours

Everyday 9AM - 10PM

Compassionate Care: Elderly and Hospice Massage Delivered

Elderly and Hospice Massage is one of our Mobile Massage Services. We provide a safe and easy way for seniors to experience massage therapy in the comfort of their own homes. We provide convenient scheduling and are able to help our clients book regular massage therapy appointments to assist them with sore muscles, relaxation and healing.

Healing through Massage Therapy

In the later stages of life, comfort and peace become invaluable treasures, especially for the elderly and hospice massage clients. At La Guerison Spa, we understand the importance of gentle touch and compassionate care, which is why we offer specialized elderly and hospice massage services tailored specifically for our clients who appreciate the convenience of having a massage delivered to their home.

Our elderly client RAVE about our services. Imagine how much easier it is not to have to go to spa?!

In addition to the ease of having the massage delivered to their home, our clients enjoy getting to know our massage therapist. A friendly smiling face, Erin is happy to get to know her clients and they feel safe having the same service provider to work with each week! Other apps send different providers and it can be confusing to have to get to know a new therapist each visit! But not with La Guersion Spa & Mobile Massage, Erin gets to know each of her clients, and remembers what issue they are experiencing. She works with the family members of the clients to ensure that the massage is set up on a regular scheduled time, and really listens to her clients.

Terminal Illness Massage Therapy

As individuals age or face terminal illness, they often experience a multitude of physical and emotional challenges, including chronic pain, stiffness, anxiety, and depression. Massage therapy can provide much-needed relief and comfort, promoting relaxation, pain management, and overall well-being.

Our elderly and hospice massage services  are designed to be gentle, soothing, and non-invasive, providing a safe and nurturing environment for clients to relax and find solace in the midst of their struggles. Whether they are confined to their homes, assisted living facilities, or hospice care centers, our team of skilled therapists will travel to their location, ensuring that they can access the healing benefits of massage therapy with ease and convenience.


A Personalized Approach

One of the key benefits of  our elderly and hospice massage services is the personalized approach we take to each session. We understand that every individual is unique and may have specific needs and preferences, so we take the time to listen and tailor our treatments accordingly. Whether they prefer gentle Swedish massage, soothing aromatherapy, or targeted acupressure techniques, we strive to create a customized experience that meets their needs and enhances their quality of life.

Erin gets to know all of her clients on an individual level, and can be reached by phone anytime 9am-9pm during the week.

In addition to physical benefits, massage therapy can also have profound effects on mental and emotional well-being. For elderly individuals and hospice patients, who may be facing isolation, loneliness, or existential concerns, the human touch provided by massage can offer a sense of connection, comfort, and reassurance. We approach each session with empathy, compassion, and respect, creating a safe and supportive space for individuals to express their emotions and find peace amidst their journey.


Alzheimer’s Massage Therapy

We have experience working with Elderly clients who are suffering with Alzheimer’s. It can often be hard for these clients to feel safe and secure, however massage therapy allows clients to relax their minds and simply enjoy the healing touch. Alzhiemer’s can be very hard on caregivers and sufferer’s alike and massage therapy can bring healing and rest to those suffering with this disease.

Furthermore, our mobile massage services for the elderly and hospice patients are designed to complement existing medical treatments and palliative care plans. We work closely with healthcare providers, caregivers, and family members to ensure that our services are integrated seamlessly into the overall care regimen, promoting holistic wellness and enhancing the quality of life for our clients.

At La Guerison Spa, we believe that everyone deserves to experience the healing power of touch, regardless of age or health status. Our mobile massage services for the elderly and hospice patients reflect our commitment to providing compassionate care and support to those in need, offering a ray of light and comfort in their darkest hours.

 Elderly and Hospice Massage For Arthritis and Chronic Pain

Whether it’s a gentle hand massage to alleviate arthritis pain, a soothing foot massage to promote circulation, or a calming full-body massage to ease anxiety and promote relaxation, our therapists are here to provide comfort, relief, and companionship to those who need it most.

Massage therapy offers a beacon of hope for individuals battling the relentless challenges of arthritis and chronic pain. We recognize the profound impact that these conditions can have on physical and emotional well-being, which is why we have crafted specialized massage therapy services tailored specifically to alleviate symptoms and enhance quality of life.

Through a combination of gentle techniques, targeted pressure, and soothing touch, our skilled therapists work tirelessly to provide relief from pain, stiffness, and inflammation associated with arthritis and chronic pain conditions. Whether it’s Swedish massage to promote circulation, deep tissue massage to release tension in affected muscles, or myofascial release to improve mobility and flexibility, each session is designed to address the unique needs and preferences of our clients.

Moreover, we understand that living with chronic pain can take a toll on mental and emotional health, which is why we approach each session with empathy, compassion, and understanding, creating a safe and nurturing space for individuals to relax, rejuvenate, and find solace amidst their struggles. With La Guerison Spa’s elderly and hospice massage therapy services for arthritis and chronic pain, relief is within reach, empowering individuals to reclaim their lives and embrace a future filled with hope, vitality, and joy.

In conclusion, La Guerison Spa’s mobile massage services for the elderly and hospice patients are more than just a luxury – they’re a lifeline. With our compassionate care and personalized approach, we strive to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those we serve, offering comfort, dignity, and peace in their time of need.
